A Community of Circular Communities
Bringing TogetherSustainable Communities
with a social and environmental purpose

What in the world are we going to do? Look at what everybody’s going through. What kind of world do you want it to be? Am I the future or the history? “Coldplay” Cos everyone hurts everyone cries, everyone tells each other all kinds of lies. Everyone falls everybody dreams and doubts. Got to keep dancing when the lights go out. We are Humanity. Let us be the future and the history.
With limited resources in which to thrive, consumption is becoming a problem. We can see from the Covid-19 pandemic that thriving without consumption is a huge challenge. We think things need to change. Together we can transition to a New Normal. History tell us facts and forecasts are never certain, but there is only one planet. That is certain, so let’s look after it for this and future generations.
We believe the biggest change should start where we live. It’s important to us because if we build jobs & skills where we live, then family and close community can thrive together in a trusted environment. Place should be managed and owned by the Community who live and thrive there. We want you engaging your neighbours where you live. We will donate funds and local volunteer currency to help you achieve this.
We believe in supporting and partnering with local businesses. As consumer influencers, members of the community can encourage and support businesses who want to engage in sustainable consumption by supporting their communities. Those more wealthy than others should be seen as partners. We are not going to change the world in a “them and us” attitude. Greed is the fuel of Poverty. Let’s end it.
We reward and evidence many positive outcomes to make you proud of where you live. We encourage real community engagement within a global circular economy model. Many good people want to help those who help themselves. In a caring and sharing evidenced based community, we’ll bring the tools to help make that happen. A world without poverty is attainable and it starts with your choices and actions.
We believe in giving majority ownership to our model, so that the community are incentivised to make a real change where they live. It’s the people who live in the community that feel the most impact when national decisions are made. We want the community to be the investors receiving the returns back into their own communities. Ownership of sustainable consumption should be in the hands of a responsible community.
The 6 Priorities
Listed above are the 6 priorities we believe are needed, to build a greener and fairer world. To achieve this we believe we need to focus our passions on these priorities, if we are to influence and manage change for the better.
Why we spell it LocalitEEE?
E for Economy
E for Environment
E for Education
Where you live.
12 Areas of Activity
Below are 12 Areas of activity which commonly occur in the places where we live. Our vision is to bring them together in a safe innovative rewards based model, owned by your community and focused on sustainable living.
Access to LocalitEEE
Access is currently free if you register your Appliance with us.
We want to make homes and communities safer.
We hope to bring all community groups into one place, and build sustainability and create funds for where you live.

Making Homes Safer
in your Community
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sLocalitEEE is a community gateway accessed from an Appliance Safety Register. The Government has spent a lot of taxpayers money on encouraging consumers to register their Appliances. Grenfell disaster was caused by an appliance fire, exacerbated by flammable cladding. EEESafe, using their 50+ years expertise, contributed to Grenfell consultations, putting forward recommendation from highlighting areas of safety concerns in repair. E.G. Widespread confusion exists in government guidance on PAT Testing, which misleads who is a competent person in the repair and reuse of White Goods. Section 8 calls for a need to improve consumer interest in Recalls. We provide our solution to them to make all homes safer and prevent recalls being sold. Our Appliance Register links to our standard.

Building Skills
in the Community
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The award winning EEESafe and White Goods Safety Standard and neighbourhood Training Qualification /Certification is a powerful model. It is designed to drive safer repairs & deliver recycling & repair skills into local communities. EEESafe as the regulator of its standards also issues the Certifications. Locally replaced appliances with EEESafe Activated Appliance Labels are dropped directly from the Register into the online shop. This assists with tracking to keep the next property safe and continue receiving free recall alerts. Directly dropping from the Register to the shop, also allows gifting or selling for repair or recycling in the community. Courses can be delivered by local training centres to increase more local work, safer repair skills and help support the work of Local Repair Cafes.

in the Community
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An annual electrical waste weight of 2 Billion Tonnes is causing a huge environmental impact around the world. Much of this could be prevented if we locally valourise whole appliances and their cosmetic and functional spares. Manufacturers must sell new items and new spares, which creates more waste. Using recycled spares can help reduce repair costs and harness community engagement to reduce waste and emissions. Electricians & self-repairers do not possess a proven depth of knowledge in White Goods repairs. So consumers need to be vigilant. See HERE why competence and safety is vital. In our Blueprint for Collections and Repairs. we illustrate how LocalitEEE rewards and promotes behavioural change through waste prevention.

Critical Materials
for Community Revenues
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The UN says globally, electronic waste is worth £50Bn (weighing more that all the commercial airplanes ever made) and is an untapped resource of income. So we want Communities to be engaged in procuring value from this at a local level which is possible in LocalitEEE. Working with partners and repairers, local economies can grow and develop small community enterprises linked into a Circular Economy. There is only one planet and Consumers are in fact the holders of influence. These critical materials are running out around the world and are already in demand. With fewer jobs predicted, sources of income can be found in our Transition Model. Communities can sell the value of materials and help in the survival of our planet.

Material Collection Streams
in your Community
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Working safely with partners and EEESafe Standards, the community can engage and be rewarded by utilising Smart Resource bins, belonging to each community and their Collector groups. It’s not just Electrical waste that is worth selling, fixing or donating. Glass, Cardboard, Paper, Plastic and Textiles are just some of the resources that bring revenues and these could include Deposit Return Schemes. We believe working with Designated and Licensed Collectors through your Online Community Shop and connected LocalitEEE bins, citzens can smart-sell their resources through the shop to provide local shared incomes using our Volunteering App in their own community. Sorted materials have a greater value & we can show Waste & Greenhouse Gas prevention metrics.

Online Community Shop
and private social network
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The award winning EEESafe will be the biggest donator into participating communities. It does this through our Cloud Based CRM where your Online Shop exists for each Electoral Ward around the UK. LocalitEEE includes it’s own Social Network and is set to bring transparency of giving money and local currency, to a new level. We support charities but our new Charitable giving model will show you where our donations go, on a daily basis, where you too will be recognised for your input. Clicking on our Story link above, you’ll receive updates of what we’re doing to tackle waste prevention, reduce poverty and record the reduction of harmful emissions. In time the shop will be majority owned by it’s community members designed to return incomes from use of your shop, to the people who live there.

Sharing and Renting
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In a world of Sustainable Living and Responsible Consumption we should be looking to share many things with each other. We intend to add the option of sharing something rather than sell it. This could be your own asset or one that belongs to the community. What we know is that many Retailers are moving over to leasing models where you do not own anything, but you pay for its use and often it can come with warranty and repair. This will not free up your own disposable income, or provide local work for others in your community. So you could buy that new or used item, and rent it out yourself. Working with an Insurance company, we’ll provide you with your own contracts for people where you live. A great way for an EEESafe Repair person to utilise fixed or new products.

Circular Economy
in the Community
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The renowned academic and author of Doughnut Economics Kate Raworth, demonstrates and advocates a Circular Economy model. LocalitEEE as a concept is 10 years old, and Kate’s model supports many of the tools we’d been conceptualising back then, which we were spurred on to develop when winning our Sustainable Design Award in 2015. (4Mins-25s). However to build a worldwide community at a local level, takes time but it’s also important to give the largest ownership to those members of the community as well. Nobody knows better than the groups who are doing great work already where they live. We seek to unite them into a CE Model that’s scaleable, democratic and respectful to each other and to build a safer world for all generations.

in the community
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The owner of EEESafe was unemployed and volunteered for many months, whilst looking for work. During that time through research and personal business startup experience, he helped secure a fund of £337k. Soon a Charity of 3 Shops and a large Warehouse were setup to collect and distribute repairable appliances and furniture to disadvantaged people. The success of this over 10 years could not be possible without engaging and valuing hundreds of volunteers and their local contributions. That experience fed into the creation of LocalitEEE which has designed a system to reward volunteers. Working with Volunteer organisations, it can reward financially, build soft and hard skills and evidence your volunteering for future employment.

Sustainable Biz Directory
for the Community
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We’re unique in our Directory in that it’s only businesses in your Community who will be listed. Some will have our SusBiz Badge, to evidence their Biz Sustainability Statement and more accurate than a B-Corp. We will feed local business data into their Directory Entry using the Wosp 360 Businesses data model to better inform the community and enable sales leads from the local community. A business can sell goods, food or services on the LocalitEEE Shop, which will create more cash to donate to the community and it’s members. You can follow just how much each business has contributed to the community and EEECoin exchange deals will offer rewards to volunteers, from the Business using EEECoins. Selling anything used, or donating food to help local people or groups, contributes to evidencing the Business and Community Carbon, Waste saving and Social outcome metrics.

Local Currency
for the Community
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Each Community can have it’s own EEECoin. Aimed at promoting local businesses and citizen rewards, in a partnership designed to build a better world and be fully inclusive for everyone. Many people don’t have incomes because of unemployment, difficult circumstances or are low paid. Purchasing EEECoins puts 75% of its Cash and Coin value into the Community Pots. You can use or transfer them to others you feel are deserving to be used for products, services or food in the community. You could transfer them to other communities in the UK, and in time across the world to use if you travel. Everyone deserves incentives by engaging in sustainability and using less resource. The App Wallet will be developed to help transfer, purchase and sell, your EEECoins and Cash as well as carry your environmental and social metrics.

Tackling Poverty
in the community
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Poverty is a Global challenge and many organisations are determined to see its eradication to build a fairer world. Our actions where we live can play a huge part in achieving and assisting many groups & charities to meet their objectives. Retaining local assets to help others who want to help themselves, can be managed in our model. By carrying your own metrics in the App, you can use it to share & invite others to help. The EEECoin can be used to distribute surplus Food to those who can’t afford it, and record your Waste Prevention Metrics. The same tools can apply to small electrical appliances that can be repaired through Repair Cafes and Trusted Community Repairers. These incentives and more are set to facilitate behavioural change to help build thriving communities everywhere and promote Sustainable Consumption